A review by the_novel_approach
Comfort Zone by Alexa Milne


This book is very aptly named. It is all about pushing out of your comfort zone and the ruts of your life to find something and someone new—and opening yourself up to love.

Aron Roberts is a bit of a geek. His company, Aztechnologies, is taking off and life is looking good. If he’s a bit lonely, well, that’s ok; he loves his work and it’s all he needs these days. Aron is openly gay, and has been for years, but he comes from an emotionally stunted family, and the concept of love and family, especially children, is something he has never pondered for himself. He never dreamed that children would be something he would have to deal with as a gay man. Children scare him to death, so coming to grips with dating a single father whose first priority will always be his daughter is difficult.

Joe Welsh started his own catering company, Croeso I Cymraeg Catering, and it is doing well. Being his own boss allows him the opportunity to raise his daughter since her mother died in childbirth. Being a single parent and starting his company takes all the hours in Joe’s day. When he is asked to cater a dinner for Aztechnologies, he jumps at the chance and hopes it will lead to more business. Walking in the door, he is amazed to discover that the man who helped him when his car broke down a year earlier is the host of the party. Joe is going through the motions, being who everyone in his life needs him to be—but when he sees Aron again, a tiny flame leaps to life inside him for the first time since his wife’s death. Joe loved his wife, his history of bisexuality was not an issue for them, and he doesn’t think you get two great loves in a lifetime.

These two men do eventually find their HEA, but it isn’t an easy road. I loved the secondary characters; these two men’s friends and families all conspire to help get them together despite themselves. The only negative feeling I have with this book is the first sexual encounter between the two men—it was a bit much—but I understand where it fit into the storyline. For the most part, this is a great romantic read, a little angsty, but a solid and engaging story. I recommend this book for anyone looking for an enjoyable story about two very likable and down-to-earth characters.

Reviewed by Carrie for The Novel Approach Reviews