A review by thefool
Any Other Name by Emma Newman


I love this series. It's so addictive in a way I can't explain. There was not a single point I found my mind straying when reading, no point I had to backtrack to reread passages from both lack of understanding or distraction. I plowed straight through until I could no longer, until daily responsibilities called me to tend to them instead.

Our primary characters grow and change according to circumstances, they face tragedy and challenges that push them beyond the limits of what they expect.

Even those characters you may not care for so much are guided by a thing outside their range of control. I find I like them just as much as those you are encouraged to like, if only because they lead the story.

The momentum here builds and there was more than one moment I paused to gasp, or I had to take a break to allow information to settle in mind before continuing on.

For more spoilery words, check out my progress notes!