A review by bookishlittlebird
As She Fades by Abbi Glines


First things first, part two of As She Fades was the complete opposite of the book's synopsis.

1. Vale left for college BEFORE Crawford "woke up"
2. Vale began dating Slate when she was "at college" completely contradicting her "loyalty" displayed at the beginning of the novel.
3. Lastly, Crawford was not in a coma, it was Vale. And he cheated on her multiple times while she was in the coma, which was only for a month and a half.

So, I view her choice to write a synopsis that was different from the plot as false advertising. While I love all her stories and enjoyed this one, it was not what I was promised. I expected Crawford to wake up from his coma with memory loss, instead the entirity of part one was a dream. Vale's to be exact, the one who was really in the coma. I was expecting heartache from that fact that her life long boyfriend forgot about her. THAT was what I wanted to initially read about. I was looking forward to it. Instead I was mislead and lied to. If you say this is what a book's about, I as a loyal reader and consumer expect the book to be about that. I was left confused and frankly quite angry with the twist because it wasn't an exciting twist, it was a complete 180 that contradicted the plot's origin pretense. When you start lying about your novel's plot in the synopsis, you become unreliable. Which I hope Glines learn from because I rather enjoy her books.

Anyway, the story of Vale and Slate was cute. I enjoyed the gradual growth of their relationship as they both dealt with similar issues. However, the ending was rushed and again didn't live up to its origin hype. This book could've been so much more. Pity it didn't.