A review by labunnywtf
A Stash of One's Own: Knitters on Loving, Living With, and Letting Go of Yarn by Clara Parkes


[My stash is] memento, remembrance, and souvenir. An expression of not just what I want to make but also who I am, who I love, where I've been, and who loves me. And I'll keep as much of it as I want to, even if it's rainbow sparkle.

This is an intensely gratifying read for any and all knitters, or yarn artists. Not because it justifies our ever-expanding yarn stash, but because it justifies our ever-expanding yarn stash and welcomes us into the yarn loving family. Whether you stash yarn, or buy yarn for projects on an as-needed basis, this book has something for everyone.

Each author has their own story. Pretty sure all of them learned to knit or crochet as a small child, which makes me feel, as ever, like the outcast, learning to knit when I was 25 by reading books and cursing and flinging a lot. But these aren't just knitters, they are also spinners, dyers, even shepherds. They all have their stories to tell, and if this book doesn't make you want to grab your knitting needles, I don't think anything will.