A review by amalelmohtar
A Dream of Flying by Mick Anglo, Paul Neary, Don Lawrence, Alan Davis, Garry Leach, Steve Dillon, The Original Writer


No idea if this represents the 6 issues I read or not, but there you go: I've read the first 6 issues of Alan Moore's Miracleman. It was fantastic, often terrifying, and made me reflect on how often Moore focuses on his villains' smiles to drive home their uncannyness: recalling how the "crooked man smiles a crooked smile" in Captain Britain, in Miracleman we're subjected to Mr. Cream's sapphire smile, to Jonathan Bates' tiger smile. Moore clearly uses the baring of teeth to a primally threatening end.

I kind of don't want to read anymore, for all that the 6th issue ends on a stupendous cliffhanger. At this point, all is still possible.