A review by birdmanseven
The Warning by James Patterson


I feel bamboozled. Had I known this was YA sci-fi in disguise, I never would have picked it up. Oh well.

Regardless, I didn't like it. It's a weird tone and it's filled with oddly dated pop-culture references. They come from all over (Speilberg's A.I. to the Bionic Woman), but are consistently irrelevant. At one point the teen boy flirts with the teen girl by doing a Sean Connery impression...

Anyway. It's dumb. And it doesn't feel like James Patterson, something these co-written books have been pretty good at, for better or worse.

We discussed this further in a special episode of the All the Books Show: https://soundcloud.com/allthebooks/episode-215-inteview-with-sarah-prineas