A review by veraann
The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams


Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn Series Book 1

This is the first of a trilogy. Each book is very thick. This is an epic fantasy written in the late 80s. It is going to start out very slow. There is going to be the "on the road traveling" sections that can be slow to mildly interesting since this is where we see character, relationship and world building. It is going to be an indepth wonderful world full of all different kinds of characters. There is magic, dragons, fighting, adventure. There are parts where the pace picks up lots of speed and moments of whoa! (Think Tolkien, Eddings, Jordan... or more recent Paolini, Martin, Rothfuss)

This particular book does start out slow. A young boy of 14, a kitchen boy, where all he knows is the castle life. He is taken on as an apprentice of a wizard, Doctor Morgenes. An evil is brewing and events lead Simon out into the world where he meets a band of characters. Simon is whiny and surrounded by people smarter and stronger then himself. Yet he finds himself in the middle of an adventure, wishing all the while for things to be how they always were in the castle.

There is a lot that is predictable to fantasy and now very cliche. It is all in here. There are many deaths expected, and some unexpected. By the end you wonder if anyone will survive what is happening. Then the end comes and you have to pick up Book 2.