A review by michaelhold
Wyniosła Wieża by Barbara W. Tuchman


Very good book, apart from writing on Left wing communists, that nonsense is like toxic matter to me and I always feel that I lose, time,decency, dignity and mind reading it. Makes me infurious,Whimsical.

Apart from that there is plenty knowledge of the past, good quality content.

Like six assassination :
Before 1914, six heads of the state were murdered:
- French President Marie François Sadi Carnot in 1894
-Spain premiere Antonio Cánovas del Castillo 1897
-Empress of Austria , Elizabeth in 1898
-King of Italy Umberto / Humbert I in 1900
-President of the United States William McKinley in 1901
- Second Prime Minister of Spain José Canalejas y Méndez in 1912
At a time when generations of one family lived in the same room and the children could not go out to the court because there were no clothes. Where tea is brewed between meals and cooking linen, and a cradle between unemployment and heavy duty.
When Queen Victoria died and the Victorian era came to an end.

Or of:
One hundred years after the French Revolution, there was an era of anarchism, a period of rape, two years of dynamite, dagger, rifle shots, both ordinary and eminent people died, property was destroyed, sense of security disappeared, terror spread and then settled.

Of :
Socialist - Revolutionaries killed, among others, the most hated Russian Vyacheslav Plehwe. Ultra reactionary. He arrested revolutionaries, subdued orthodox believers, limited lands, oppressed Jews, forcibly Russified Poles, Finns, and Armenians, and as a result multiplied the enemies of tsarism and convinced them of the necessity to make changes.

Or even about Peerages in the United Kingdom (Par) that were going to be replaced, with trouble of danger of misusing actual sword or divide!... vide... vide. To separate to each, own lobby (Any of several large halls in the Houses of Parliament in which MPs may meet members of the public. or a room providing a space out of which one or more other rooms or corridors lead, typically one near the entrance of a public building.)

This world before 1014 is always remembered as good, predating catastrophically times of XX c.
Jet it was just normal life with its ups and downs, not jet stretched by horror and wrongness to the extremes like war or revolution (considered back then to be War itself).