A review by fictionalhima
Swimming at Night by Lucy Clarke


I really enjoyed this book.
i love how the author wrote the complexities of a sibling relationship.
Then maybe you’ll know a bit about love and a bit about hate too
this line right here really puts things into perspective doesn’t it. reading about their travels had me consumed by wanderlust!

She envied him that—the ability for his world to continue, when hers had stopped.” this line broke my heart because it’s true. this feeling is pure agony. 

mia was a wild spirit. something about her just drags me in. when reading her pov i was both enthralled and envious of her. She’s a mess yes but she was free. she didn’t have anything holding her back, holding her down. she lived life to the fullest. she was also troubled and i felt for her. i wish the two sisters were able to reconcile before she died but alas.   

i definitely saw all the twists coming but it didn’t turn me away from it. reading mia’s journey and her self revelation was illuminating. 
i’m so glad katie didn’t end up with finn. she deserves better than being second best. Noah’s and mia’s love story was beautiful but damaging. i know she was in love w him but i didn’t like how he treated her. she was lost but she was finding her way back whereas he was in so much pain that i didn’t see how he could ever love her the way she needed. breaks my heart how she went up there to stop him from dying but ended up dying herself.

this was a heartbreaking book and i loved every second of it. 
i’m definitely going to be checking out all her other books!