A review by lit_vibrations
Carolina Built by Kianna Alexander


Finished the audiobook for this yesterday. While it wasn’t really filled with a lot of excitement a bit boring at some points I still enjoyed it. What I think I loved most was that although based during a time were slavery was still prevalent. The novel wasn’t centered around black trauma or racism. Both topics were presented throughout but the author never really dwelled on the hardship any of them experienced before receiving their freedom.

It was quite satisfying to see Josephine succeed as easily as she did. Most times in historical fictions involving slavery we always see the trials and tribulations many of them face especially as black women. So, this was refreshing in my opinion.

I also loved Josephine’s character she was independent, strong-willed, and driven. Unlike many women during that era she wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted. She was very ambitious about creating a legacy for her family so they’d have the opportunity to truly enjoy their freedom.

The only thing I didn’t like was her husband’s unsupportive behavior or the fact it nearly resulted in physical abuse because his manhood felt threatened. He really seemed insecure and intimidated by Josephine. According to her mother, “Men are fragile they need to feel useful.” He should’ve been happy considering most of what they obtained was because of her.

Overall, this was a decent read a bit slow-paced but still worth reading‼️‼️