A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins


There are only a few contemporaries that I actually like a lot and Rachel Hawkins wrote one of them, so when I saw that she had also written a trilogy about witches, warlocks and other magical creatures I just knew that I needed and wanted to have it. It was quite a challenge to find the first book in this series, but now I've finished reading it, I'm really happy that it worked out!

The first thing I noticed was that the writing style was very nice, easy and flowing. The language used really fitted the age of the main character and her personality. I always consider that a big pro, because that really makes it all the more easy to connect with the characters and it makes it easier to get to know them.

And then there were all the so called forbidden tropes that just worked out perfectly. There was a love triangle in this book. We had a special snow flake girl who only just discovered how special she was. We have a magic school with strict teachers and mean girls. And of course our main character falls for the hot hunk of the school. But Hawkins managed to twist all of these tropes in a very interesting way and therefore kept me constantly on the tips of my toes AND managed to surprise me.

Was the book very deep and filled with brilliancy? Maybe not. But for an easy read about a teenage witch on a magic school, it was actually really well done. I can't wait to read the other books in the series. They're already waiting for me on my to be read shelf!