A review by dannireadsallthetime
Zoology by Ben Dolnick


This has been sitting on my book shelf for ages and I have only just managed to get round to it. Reading the blurb I thought this was going to be something a bit different to read, so I was excited.
Reading this book, personally, was painful. All the way through I kept starting a paragraph and then I'd realised I started day dreaming about other things, this book just couldn't hold my interest.
Its about a boy called Henry who goes to stay with his brother in New York for the summer and gets a job at the zoo.
Henry falls in love with a girl and in those moments that the author describes how Henry feels about her, is if I'm honest, immense, its described perfectly of how you are falling in love with someone and it can be painful, those parts I enjoyed
Towards the end everything goes wrong for poor Henry and I just feel really miserable, he just ends up worse off than he did to begin with.
I also thought the story at the end about Newman was stupid, don't understand the point of it. Maybe there is a deep meaningful point to this book that I just wasn't picking up on? Maybe?
I wouldn't read this again and I wouldn't recommend it. Very disappointing.