A review by k_fitzy
Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross


sooo much better than book 1 oml. 

i’m actually glad i read it tho if i hadn’t have bought it before i finished book 1 i wouldn’t have.

everything was much less irritating, the writing was pretty, the pacing was good and i fucking love some good angst. actually there wasn’t enough angst if anything. 

most of the book was 4 starts actually 
HOWEVER the last few chapters were kinda disappointing like it all ended and was wrapped up so damn quickly it seems a little lacklustre since the whole two books had been building up to this. dropped it down a half star. 

 i still don’t care that much for the romance, it was cute sure but only slightly above meh. i just wish i was more invested, and had more to root for instead of being so meh about them. the only time i got what i needed from them properly was in ‘twelve past eleven’ romans speech to dacre. if only they had somehow transferred those emotions across the book the hype might have been justified. 

overall…it was an okay duology. i don’t feel like i’ve wasted my time reading it and i’m happy to keep my copies and stick them on my self but will i ever reread it? not likely. in fact i’ll probably forget all about it and completely move on in like twenty minutes.