A review by octavia_cade
The Celtic Lunar Zodiac: How to Interpret Your Moon Sign by Margaret Walty, Helena Paterson


Apparently the Celts had a zodiac of their own. Who knew? Theirs seems to be mostly based around different trees and plants, and this book is mostly about the various myths and folklore connected with those plants. Which should be super interesting for someone like me who likes myths and plants, but it's sprinkled through with astrology which is not something that I find convincing. "The science of astrology" is not a phrase anyone should spout without having fruit chucked at them as far as I'm concerned. So two stars for the text (some of the myth/folklore stuff is genuinely interesting) but it gets bumped up another star because the illustrations are beautiful. Margaret Walty is to be congratulated for her art, because it is detailed and lovely.