A review by thegeekyblogger
The Marked Son by Shea Berkley


Overall Rating 3.5
Story Rating 3.75
Character Rating 3.25

Vacation Review: This is one of those book that I wasn't sure what to expect. I am not a huge fan of YA but this one was a pretty good read. The angst, which I normally expect from the girl, was from the main character Dylan. He is probably my least favorite character in the story. In fact, it is Leo (someone who becomes his friend) that I felt was a more compelling male character. I understood Dylan had a crappy life. In fact, I was worried this was going to be another crappy parents, no adults are worthy book. It is not the case! YEAH! In fact, Grandma and Grandpa are two of my favorite characters in the whole story. Without giving anything away I can't explain my exact "Go Grandma" moment but trust me you will be cheering. I also really loved how strong and matter-a-fact that Kera was in the story. There is no cliffhanger but I am excited to see what happens in the future!