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A review by starsbyname
Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life by Shauna Niequist


You know it's going to be a good book when you write an entire raving review in your head before you even open the pages. I love Shauna Niequist, I love her writing style, and I love the way this book is written. It's a collection of stories of finding God in the everyday things, and celebrating the life we've been given. This book is how I want to think, and this is how I want to write.

Favorite chapters are Writing in Pencil, Soup From Bones, Basement, and Cold Tangerines (coincidentally, all near the end of the book. Maybe I just like them best because I remember them most?)

"...all the leaves are falling, and there's no reason that they have to turn electric bright red before they fall, but they do, and I want to live like that. I want to say 'what can I do today that brings more beauty, more energy, more hope?' Because it seems like that's what God is saying to us, over and over. 'What can I do today to remind you how good this life is? You think the color of the sky is good now, wait till sunset. You think oranges are good? Try a tangerine.'... [we serve] a God that got his hands dirty making us from dust. Let's get dirty, in his name. Let's sizzle and pop in his name. Let's dance and shimmer and scrawl out our stories across the sky, like he taught us to. Let's echo his words, and let our lives speak those words: It is good."