A review by clearly_eend
Long Live the Post Horn! by Vigdis Hjorth


Peaking into the introspective story of a PR consultant working for a Post and Communications Union in order to fight a new postal directive bound to ruin many workers' lives doesn't sound like the most exciting story. (Or does it?) Regardless of that, I devoured the book and needless to say, I loved every inch of Ellinor's road to realising, understanding and working on her apathy towards life.

"I could try to imagine what it might be like to be anyone. But how could I really know what that was like when I had huge problems understanding myself, when I didn't even know myself properly, when I wasn't even on first-name terms with myself, so to speak? But what if, it occurred to me, the path to knowing myself went through others? I could try to empathise with other people for no other reason than because we shared the human condition. Because others might share my struggle and they might be able to help me."