A review by suncani
Implanted by Lauren C. Teffeau


A girl is blackmailed into becoming a courier for data in her blood and discovers one of the secrets she transports is wanted by several different groups and is key to a government secret. Okay so this is not a bad book, it's going to sound like it is but it isn't. The MC is interesting enough and once the main plot gets going it's typical thriller territory - the government is lying, businesses are bad and are manipulating things to make money etc. However, I'm going to talk about the things that don't quite work for me. Firstly, the MC talks about how everything she does is for her family and her friends, and they're the things that keep her sane and that's what keeps her going whilst working for the company she dislikes. But. You never actually meet her family, they're talked about in abstract, but we just accept that they mean a lot without any fleshing out. Two. Almost half the book goes by before we actually hit the main plot of the book - her carrying the one particular secret that sets everything off. Now, yes some world building is needed but actually we don't know all that much even after all that. So overall it was okay, but I didn't care about anybody I was just along for the ride. It started to raise interesting questions about connectivity and how much we're blinded by being connected all the time but it didn't really do much with it, just insinuated and left the rest to the imagination.