A review by angelpayne
More Than Dare You by Shayla Black


This series has become an automatic one-click for me--which means my standards were high going into this read. Now I'll make it official: my expectations were blown right off their swooning, sighing hinges.
But the hot, sexy swoon factor is just the start of what's going on here. I love this book for so many more reasons than that. Important reasons. The core of that reasoning revolves around the story's two protagonists, Trace Weston and Masey Garrett, who agree they're both badly in need of a one-night stand without the Tinder hassle. What happens, of course, is so much more, taking these two through a plot that had me chuckling at times and aching in others--but most of all, rooting for this destined duo in ways that had me thinking about them even when I had to tear myself away from the book (which wasn't for very long periods, I can guarantee you that).
Ms. Black's prowess for creating believable, beautiful protagonists is at an all-time high in this book. There's a gorgeous and wonderful maturity in how Masey and Trace connect with each other. They don't have to help each other "grow up" because they ARE grown up, and have processed a lot of their "issues" already. They both already know their baggage; now they're looking for someone with a set that matches--despite how neither of them quite knows it yet!
This was a sublimely perfect read for me. It checked every single box for the magical memorability that has become the hallmark of this wonderful series. Brava!