A review by librarianinperiwinkle
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert


Natalie gave me this book for Christmas, and I immediately read the first third that very same night. I absolutely fell in love with it. However, soon thereafter I got an influx of library books I'd put on hold, and started reading them so as to return them on time(ish). As a result, it took me until this weekend to finally finish the book. I would lament over the wasted time, but having read the middle section on "India," I know that's silly. I forgive myself and release my guilt. :)

I know one friend in particular who would probably have a heart attack if she heard my "heresy," but I have to be honest: reading this book gave me a whole new perspective on who Jesus may have been & his similarities to other holy/spiritual people throughout time and around the world. I'm not saying Liz Gilbert came out and talked about this directly! But my own brain drew some parallels...which coincided oddly (mysterious workings of the universe??) with this past Sunday's sermon focusing on the general history, similarities, and differences of the world's major religions. Again--my brain making the connections. This book has really gotten me thinking. And if I weren't already a believer in the power of meditation, I would be now!!

I also enjoyed the story aspects of this book: Liz telling her story of her own journey through the pain of divorce and beyond. I loved the "Indonesia" section, both for the travel aspects as well as the human stories and the romance. My oh my! :)