A review by canada_matt
Grace Takes Off by Julie Hyzy


Hyzy returns with her art curator go super sleuth Grace Wheaton in a new and exciting book that takes the reader into Italy to explore some long-forgotten treasures. With her boss (and uncle?, Mr. Marshfield, Grace enjoys soaking up all the art history that is on offer. A charter flight home comes with much added baggage, an attempted murder of Mr. Marshfield and two murders in plain sight. While things appear clear-cut, the intended victim is saved, but who was behind the plot? Grace begins her sleuthing and ties up some loose ends on the homefront before the mystery falls in her lap. Will she be too late to reach the authorities before she's taken out? With others suffer gravely for her uber-curiosity?

Hyzy adds depth to the Grace character and provides a little more personal touch than the reader is used to receiving. I did enjoy this and sped through it, as I do all Hyzy works, but felt amused and excited from the get-go. Hyzy can surely spin an excting tale, even if it ends up being a little hokey at times. While not as good as her White House Chef series and still more watered down than some of her Alex. St. James work, Hyzy does present some great work.

Kudos, Madam Hyzy for this. A great beach chair read or aboard an airplane. That said, perhaps not the latter, due to the content in the first half!