A review by jasminenoack
There Is No Year by Blake Butler


Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I started this book a long time ago, actually the same day I started the girl who couldn't come, on the same subway to the same airport, I started this first, then switched cause I got sleepy. Then when David left I picked up escape and some books greg recommended and I'm just getting back to these now.

I don't really know how to talk about this book so instead I think I'm going to pretend to understand readers advisory instead of actually reviewing this.

If you like Mark Danielwinski, Blake Butler will drive you crazy
I know, I know that's not right. When I read this it felt like house of leaves, but butler manages to create the intertextual confusion of house of leaves in a book that doesn't look that different than any other book.

appeal categories

Um... I don't know, have you seen the science of sleep, it's kind of like that. It's imagination driven, or dream driven, can I say that? It is not plot or character driven. (complex-non-plot)

slow but fast. the story crawls, but the book goes by quickly. It's time magic (relaxed pace)

sad. But not like sad for the sake of being sad, like sad like people who really love each other getting a divorce, or a dad missing his kids first steps. just sad. (bittersweet, disturbing, haunting, melancholy, nostalgic)

Writing Style
Disconnected, minimal, unclear. (complex style, experimental, lyrical, spare, thoughtful)