A review by vondav
Run to Ground by Jasper Bark


Run to Ground is two short stories for the price of one. Run to Ground the title story is about Jim Mcleod who takes a job as a graveyard caretaker to shirk his responsibilities in the real world. This story is just the events of one night, involving the most amazing death scenes I have every read and whilst reading this book I kept wondering where Jasper Bark got his ideas from. After a number of murders, Jim fears for his life as something is chasing him and he knows that he must make it to the church. . An unusual fetish, ancient folklore and a need for revenge, kept me gripped to the end
The second story “How the Dark Bleeds” is the story about Stephanie a troubled women, who just wants to cut herself. This story goes into the history of how Stephanie has ended up feeling like this and just like Run to the Ground it is tied in with ancient folklore, this time Anglo-Saxon and the Heolfor. Heolfor meaning blood spilled in anger.
What I enjoyed about reading this book is that I did not know what to expect. Being a quick read you can read it in one sitting. Both stories left me wanting to read more about Jim Mcleod and Stephanie and what I would love to know what happened next.