A review by sonofthe
The Sins of the Fathers by Lawrence Block


Matt Scudder takes on the case of (rather, “does a favor for”) a father who wants to know what his daughter’s life was like before she was murdered.

For some reason, I’ve been on a detective kick recently. Most of it’s been through TV and Film, though, so I’d forgotten how good even the pulp novels could be. Not that this is pulp fare, but certain things remind me of the pulp I’ve read in the past.

The main thing I’d forgotten is just how these detective stories work. Terse language. Morality worn on the sleeve (even when they’re trying to seem detached). Short novels whose length add to the story rather than detract.

I haven’t read around that much in the genre—maybe just a few by Block, some Chandler, and maybe one by Hammett—but I’ve had luck with what I’ve read. It’s all certainly executed much better than the majority of the hard-boiled TV out there.

I did this one in audio, and Alan Sklar does an excellent job narrating. I’m looking forward to more.