A review by magencorrie
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke


Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea was a dark, eerie, and enchanting read. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure what I was going into when I picked up this one. All I knew was I wanted to read it. And, well, it really didn’t disappoint me.

This book had a great eerie, gothic feel to it, which really called out to my inner Poe. I love a good romance that has this dramatic darkness to it. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea really brought that. But not only that, this book had a good twist, mystery, and a very unlikely male protagonist.

What I really want to talk about is the writing. Tucholke really has a unique way with words. She writes in almost a hypnotic way. The words flowed eerily and surreal. I think that is what really drew me into this book. The description she brings forth jumped into my mind in a gloomy, vivid way. Again, my inner Poe just loved that. And her description of the world she created was very intriguing.

Now, in all honest, I couldn’t really get a good grip on the characters. I did get a basic feel of them, more so about in the middle of the book, but I really felt there was so much more to them than Tucholke was writing. With that being said, I did enjoy the characters Tucholke created. Violet, though not the typical badass, kicks-your-ass-now, ask-questions-later heroine that I typically love, she was still an enjoyable character. She’s smart, and different. Very different from what I’m used to in female characters.

River West. I really did enjoy this character! He is definitely unique in his own way. I guess you can say he is also different than the fictional guys I tend of crush on. What I mean is that he isn’t good, but he isn’t bad either. He’s a definite mix of both. He had this edge that really made me see his character, and fall for him. Simply put, he is a seductive character.

The side characters also play their roles nicely throughout the book. Each one felt in place and like they belonged there. They were all pretty well-rounded. The romance between Violet and River, though at first felt rushed, didn’t really affect the story. It still felt natural, and was fun to read about. The buildup was also very nice.The ending, did felt a bit rushed. I hated that, but it did leave me curious and wanting more.

The play of supernatural was very interesting. I loved Tucholke’s take on it. She made her supernatural element in her story believable and fun. Yet also unique and creepy.

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea was intriguing, held depth, mystery, twists I didn’t see coming, and a story that was dark, eerie and hauntingly captivating. I really did enjoy it, and I cannot wait for the next book. I definitely recommend this one to those who enjoy a good dark, unique, and romantic read.