A review by litwithleigh
The Loyalties by Delphine de Vigan


5 stars for Book outlet read #5!!

Writing: 5/5 | Plot: 5/5 | Ending: wish there was more/5


Sad shit happening to people. Cecile questions her loyalty to her husband and her role as a housewife, Mathias questions his loyalty to his friend, Theo questions his loyalty to his parents, particularly his father's secrets, Helene questions her loyalty to her profession and her inner child.


This was the easiest 5 stars I've ever given to a book (technically this is a novella). Beautiful, poignant writing—a perfect demonstration of why less is more and how to show not tell. Philosophical. Emotional. Introspective. Interesting characters. All the things I love in a literary novel(lla).

If you feel like your life has been going too smoothly and you want to be emotionally wrecked, pick up this book.

One of my faves of this year, if not all time. Just perfection from start to finish. This might be my shortest review ever because I'm simply at a loss for words.


Pros: everything

Cons: nothing

Book outlet reads
#1 - The Reunion
#2 - One Step Behind
#3 - The Scholar
#4 - Possession