A review by lifeandliterature
Playing Hooky by Rita J. Webb


I hope she likes it. The place we're going. Today, I'm bringing her deeper into my life than I ever have before. I'm laying all my cards on the table, revealing all my deepest secrets.

Except that I love her.

Wow, this book was so different to others that I have read lately or probably anything that I've ever read. Imagine a fairytale filled with adventure and the throw in a nice yummy dose of New Adult steaminess and what you have is Playing Hooky.

It's Valentines day and Emma's 21st birthday. Her friend since Kindergarten Jason, turns up at her door to spend the day with her. He's about to introduce her to a part of himself that he's kept hidden all these years. He takes her to the circus and introduces her to a hidden world filled with unicorns, sirens and magic. And even though he lets Emma into his world we still have much to learn about exactly what Jason is.

Now I stand in a circus tent with my insane best friend and seven white unicorns.

Playing Hooky is a super quick read at just 100 pages long, although I was so caught up in the story it seemed much less than that. It took me no time at all to finish it. But even though it is a breeze to read, Rita Webb still manages to pack a whole lot into it's pages. Sometimes with novella sized books you can come away without feeling that you know the characters very well, but I didn't feel that at all here. Oh, there is definitely still lots to learn about them and I have many questions but I definitely felt connected to them.

That's my girl, plunging into the craziest adventures by my side. She hasn't changed much over the years. Tell her to stay safe and she'll go in the opposite direction.
That's what I love about her.

Emma and Jason, both have feelings for each other. Emma doesn't want to ruin their friendship so keeps those feelings to herself. Jason is much more forthcoming with his actions but still holds back in letting his true feelings be known. But they have a wonderful connection. Their friendship and the banter between the two was fantastic. The familiarity that they have from being friends for so long was one of the things that I loved most about the book.

"Last time I tried to kiss you, you ran away screaming about my 'girl cooties' "

There was also a surprising twist coming in their search for the siren. One that really threw me because I sure didn't see that one coming.

This was the first book that I had read by Rita Webb and it was such a wonderful read. I was really surprised at the amount of humour and I found myself having a laugh on more than one occasion. And while I was completely swept up in the paranormal aspect of the story it was Emma and Jason that sold it for me. Looking forward to reading the next book and having some of my questions answered especially in regards to getting to know Jason on a greater level.

4.5/5 Stars!!