A review by oldsouls_lovebooks
A Book of Days by Patti Smith


This photo diary is exactly as goodreads’ 2 star rating suggests: it was ok. I feel bad giving it 2 stars, though, and contemplated leaving it blank because it’s just one of those books that’s entirely subjective and personal to the creator. A Book of Days is merely a collection of photos Patti Smith took along with some photos she didn’t for each day of the year. Most of the photos aren’t great (they’re not meant to be) and the few sentences underneath each photo also offer nothing but Smith’s own random musings that, along with the personal photos, very much represent the casual, free spirited, spiritual, and well-traveled “artsy” person that she is. I’m sure there is a certain milieu on Instagram that this book appeals to and for which it was published but I’m unfortunately not one of them. There’s just not enough here for me and what is is largely forgettable. But I know it’s not forgettable to her, which is why, again, I feel somewhat uncomfortable rating it. It’s something that Patti Smith published so those who are interested could have a physical copy of casual photos with casual musings on life. It’s not meant to be anything other than what it is, so let’s end on a positive note. What I did get out of this was a lot of authors and works I wasn’t previously aware of that I now want to read, because if there’s one thing you can say about Patti Smith it’s that she LOVES art and artists, poets and novelists; particularly of the French variety. I suppose this collection also has reminded me that I really need to start taking photos like I keep saying I will, but never get around to. I’m not and never will have the money or celebrity to travel like she does let alone leave my home state, but that’s not the photos I’m inspired to take. As much as this collection makes me want to visit the grave sites of people I admire and places my history buff heart craves to see (if I can I will), more than anything I’ve thought about taking photos of my home area to document how it’s changed since my childhood. Unfortunately, old buildings that I wanted to take photos of have already been and are currently being demolished, but better late than never I suppose. So thank you, Patti Smith, for reminding to take the damn camera out of the bag and put it to good use.