A review by knee
Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel


Well, it wasn't what I was expecting.

What I did like in the book were the good zombies, Grays, the devices (I thought the holographic stuff were cool), and Pam. I didn't like Pam at first because she was so clingy to Nora, I felt like Pam was a kiss-up. Then she changed for the better when
Spoiler the zombies showed up in her neighborhood. Jamming a parasol into a zombie's head totally earned my respect
. I like the descriptions of the friendly zombies, rotting and using their deadness to their full potential.

Things I didn't like...
The entire society is New Victorian? An entire society in what was once America was willing to adopt a culture that died out in another country? OK, I guess I can swallow that. Women whose main concerns are marriage? No women in positions of power? This is the future after an apocalyptic event? The book states that the remaining survivors agreed that the Victorian society was the best to emulate, did they have to rehash everything that was Victorian? Were the women all dead so they couldn't protest their downgrade in status?

Too many POVs. The only ones that should have been in the book are Nora's and Bram's. You don't really learn anything new or thoughtful from the other POVs. I was very confused with the timeline of events because of all the POVs.
SpoilerI thought the book took place over a span of at least a month, but it's actually only a week. Unbelievable.
I would get really into Nora's storyline and then the next chapter would be about Pam and how she was dealing with Nora's disappearance. Were Pam's events happening before, during, or after the events of Nora's previous chapter? All the build-up of tension and intrigue ruined by the next chapter's complete change of characters and setting.

Where was all the action?
SpoilerOnly in about 2 chapters of the book :C
I thought there was going to be a group of reluctant allies going out and demolishing those evil Grays! There was supposed to be scavenging and building a good hide-out!
Spoiler This is why I liked Pam, her chapters were the only one close to my expectations. Nora spends most of time training and she has an arsenal of weapons at her disposal, but doesn't really do anything with it.
What a let down.

Spoiler OK, so a relationship between a zombie and a human pretty disgusting to imagine, but I think it's sweet still. Obviously, if Nora loves Bram it's not over looks or his smokin' hot bod (geddit?!). I was a little disappointed with Bram's description. If he is a zombie, why not make him more zombie-like? He's not missing any limbs, still has all his hair. He looks very human still. I would've still liked the idea of their relationship even if he was missing all his teeth and an arm. He didn't even lose any body parts after the fire, but 2 other zombies lost their throat and a leg.

Was it just me or did anyone else got thrown off by Michael's betrayal of Pam? I felt like the author changed her mind about Michael's character and made him that way so people would feel even more sympathetic for Pam and also make a point that Nora is desirable. Who would risk their life during a zombie invasion just to get on the good side of a potential marriage partner? Nora doesn't even have any money and she didn't really inherit her father's status. He, Pam and her brother were pretty safe on the roof until she decided to save a girl who bullied and threatened her. As a result, Pam's brother is turned into a zombie, now he has, at most, 5 years of life and Pam is going to watch her only brother slowly deteriorate (in mind and body) into a monster. But who saved her brother from getting torned apart immediately from the zombies? Oh, it was Michael who went back for him. OK, so even if he had a motive for helping Pam and he trash talked her, did he still deserved to be pushed into the water? I like Michael, he was very brave during the whole zombie thing. I thought Michael and Pam were cute together.

Not what I expected in a zombie novel, but maybe the next on in the series will satisfy me?