A review by troystory
The Sight by David Clement-Davies


Okay, so, I remember adoring this book the first time I read it, which was years ago. I finally found a copy a couple years ago, long after I'd read it, and only now have I gotten around to reading it. Generally, I'm hesitant to reread books I used to love when I was younger, because I'm sure I won't like them as much and I don't want to ruin the memories I have of them. However, The Sight exceeded my expectations, and I feel like I enjoyed it more than I could have when I was younger and didn't catch all the allusions. What an incredible book this is! Firstly, I adore the writing. It's poetic and beautiful without ever feeling like too much, and the descriptions are so good at getting me to feel like I'm really there. Another thing I loved with the richness of the world and the characters. They all felt fleshed out and believable, and the complex mythology of the wolves was just fascinating to read. No spoilers, but the end caught me off guard and I was way sadder than I thought I'd be when I finished it. Just, overall an amazing read. I can't recommend it enough.