A review by mbfeeney
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand


When I bought this book, I didn't realise it was part of a series. I simply read the blurb on the back and thought I'd give it a go. That was about three months ago, I've had so many books to read, that I kinda forgot I had it.

I sat down yesterday and mooched through the reviews it already had, and was a little wary as the majority of them are singing it's praises. So, with trepidation, I began to read it.

I swallowed the first 60 pages or so in the matter of about 20 minutes. It was extremely compelling, but I wasn't in love with it. Apart from the angel slant, it could have been any other YA High School based book.

It wasn't until Angela came into the story properly that I really began to enjoy it as the paranormal side of the story began to bubble to the surface more than the teen issues. In fact, I think Angela is probably my favourite female character (Tucker's my fvourite male - yep, def Team Tucker).

The main character of Clara didn't annoy me as much I expected her too. I usually have issues with characters who are perfect, but as she is part angel, it was pretty acceptable, as her thoughts were that of any normal 16 year old girl. Especially when faced with confusion over Christian and Tucker.

Wendy, to me, needed more... spark. She's kind of outshone by Clara, Angela and Tucker, which is a shame as I think she could progress into a great character. Jeremy on the other hand, was just right, although I sense more for him in the follow up books.

I ADORED the way Clara and Tucker went from disliking each other, to where they ended up, and it made me well up when they were separated, but following the twist near the end (which I DID NOT expect), I understand why it had to happen.

I didn't expect to fall in love with this book, and I didn't, but I really did enjoy it and will definitely buy the rest of the series as I was left with so many questions at the end.

I really need to curb my YA reading, but there are so many well written books out there in the genre, I just can't help it.

For this, and more reviews, go to my blog: http://michbookreviews.wordpress.com/