A review by bluenicorn
Ink in Water: An Illustrated Memoir (Or, How I Kicked Anorexia's Ass and Embraced Body Positivity) by Lacy J. Davis, Jim Kettner


This was a really great look at mental illness/obsessive tendencies, and one of the few books about eating disorders that isn't YA fiction (I know that is not true, but it's how it seems). I thought the connection between her eating disorder and the addictions of others was a profound one to make. I liked this book for its honesty, plain and simple. If it were fiction, I would be annoyed that the main character seemed to tie up so much of herself in relationships- but it's real life, and in real life, it happens. It was honest. Personally, I get that the author is punk rock, but I think the subtitle is unnecessary and kind of took away from what I thought was the beautiful imagery of her title.