A review by alishreads
How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice by Jemar Tisby


Name: How to Fight Racism
Author: Jemar Tisby
Genre: Non Fiction, Racism, Discrimination, Prejudice
Rating: 5/5

This is one of those books that I think everyone should read. Anyone who want to know more about Racism in USA should definitely read/ listen to this book.
The narrator has done an amazing job, describing everything properly.

The introduction in the beginning was intriguing, I was astonished how the author has described Racism. He gave us a new perspective, explaining how Christianity has contributed to Racism throughout the year. And what we can do to contribute our support against Racism.

This book was definitely eye opening for someone like me. I have known about the existence of racism in USA, but I was ignorant of the scale and depth of this discrimination, how it shaped the people and how profound were their pain and scars, 2020 Black Lives Matter was my first introduction to this topic. After BLM, I wanted to know more about this, I wanted more and more people should support BLM and speaks against this discrimination.

This book was written for someone like me, a normal citizen who want to do their part in contributing to this movement. So I will suggest all of you to read this book.