A review by alyssaindira
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers


*no spoilers were harmed in the making of this review*

"I am a handmaiden of death. I walk in his dark shadow and do his bidding. Serving him is my only purpose in this life"

Hey guys, so I finished Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1) by Robin LaFevers. It was a twisty and winding read that's for sure. In my opinion it was kind of a quick read due to how easy the writing was to skim. It wasnt too jammed packed with details, nor was it to sparse. it was just right. Enough to let you know whats happening in the story, but not too much to overwhelm you. The storyline did that job all on its own. Ha. What I mean by that, is that this storyline had so many little subplots occurring within it, that it was hard to keep track, in my opinion. Lots of different things were happening during the course of this novel and sometimes it was hard to discern how it impacted and influenced all the other events in the story. it was very much like a game of chess. So many pieces to put in motion. So many pawns. So many traitors. Enemies. So many of the opposition, not much og the defense. Oy. All the deception, deceit, and betrayal was woven intricately into the very heart of this novel. That in itself, was all the action that this novel needed. Forget the little physical attacks here and there, the political intrigue of this novel took the cake. That, was overwhelming. I nearly got lost in trying to figure out everyone's schemes and strings and yada yada yada. I honestly dunno how Ismae tolerated it all. I probably would have just cut the heads off all the snakes before I had a chance to get bitten. At least, I would hope I would. But the atmosphere of the court,man that was more toxic than any of her flipping poisons. Despite all that, I feel like she really discovered who she was and who she wanted to be among all the pariahs. She found out that indeed, her saint was mor ecomplex than anyone could have anticipation. And that indeed, there is not only vengeance in death, but also mercy. Grave, mercy. And the person who spurred her to truly question what was in her heart, her soul, her very blood, is the man with the purest and lightest soul of them all. Duval. It was in him, that Ismae discovered that even in the gravest darkness, there can be light. Now, I admit, first i was extremely wary of the man and looked for signs of treachery along with Ismae. And like Ismae realized, not everything is how it seems, and that people only see what they desire. Duval was slowly shed his armor throughout the novel and reveals that he is loyal, passionate, tender, caring, protective, and just the best man to have on one's team. He truly was something else. As was there romance. While I liked it, I didnt really feel it, ya know? But perhaps that is just on my end, cause I didnt get as immeshed in the story as I would have liked, I just skimmed along the surface like lurker, not really diving into the story wholeheartedly. So maybe thats why the flames of passion didnt rise as high as they could of, to me anyway. My opinion, as always, feel free to read the book and form your own. Alright, so yeah, the story was alright. I liked it and the characters. Although it wasnt the action wasnt the type of head on action I am used to, it was more slow building and subtle, it was still entertaining enough. As always, if you guys have any questions or comments, feel free to drop em below. Till next time. Bye.