A review by zare_i
Savage Scars by Andy Hoare


This one is something of a mixed bag. I bought a book because I thought that some light will be shed on the White Scars Space Marines chapter (like in Nick Kyme's Salamander series) but after finishing this book I knew nothing more on the subject than before.

Agreed, main character is a White Scars Veteran Sergeant Sarik (and his company of warriors, rather small combat element of the entire Imperial crusade) but book could just as easily be called "Ultramarines and Scythes of Emperor", "Encountering Tau", "Damocles Gulf Crusade" or any other title - because no great insight is given to the inner workings of White Scars. One would expect that title is supposed to be in some relation to the content of novel.

Novel reads as a campaign from one of the W40K tabletop game rule-books. Details are great and I haven't come across a book set in W40K that gives more detailed insight into military procedure and tactics (beside "Brothers of the Snake" novel by Dan Abnett and "Mechanicum").

Tactics, planetary assault, insertion of crack units to take down main defense grids followed by main invasion force and delaying tactics performed by Tau - they are excellently described.

Space Marines's true strength is shown here - super-human soldiers that are THE ultimate weapon on the front lines not only because of their sheer strength and fire-power but because they are able to survive first contact against unknown enemies and learn from their mistakes - and make the enemy of the humankind pay dearly for their transgressions.

Great book that will interest fans of the W40K universe - 4 stars, but one star down because of the misleading title.