A review by shile87
The Easy Way by May Archer


Audiobook - 4 stars

Story - 3.5 stars

I understand this was May's debut novel, It was not bad at all.


The Good

- The story - It was fluffy and cute.

- The characters - Cam and Cort, They were likable and had chemistry that was believable. Their interactions were fun to listen to.

-The banter - This book had some lol moments, i love me some laughter, and the banter kept me entertained to the end.

-The absence of miscommunication. Oh Lawd! These two solved their issues. No running, no not speaking for a year. Gaaah! What a relief.

- The sex scenes were hot and it helped that the MCs had mad chemistry.

The Bad and The Ugly

-The insta lust/love.. Daaaamn! What happened to getting to know each other first? The I love you, had me like!


-The mystery, what was that?

- The MCs names, Cort and Cam. It took a while before i my brain registered who was who. It's not poetry or lyrics, the names don't have to rhyme.

Overall it was an enjoyable story despite the tiny niggles.