A review by lizziehutchings
A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews


~~edit 10/31/21~~

me: spontaneously decides to read this book on the long journey to wiDbEy iSLaNd.

~~edit 3/3/21~~

I had so much fun re-reading this yesterday, it was an absolute blast. I feel like C.G. Drews books just have that binge-readable aspect to them so that once you start reading, you just cannot put it down--like the book mentally restricts you from putting it down. It's horrible. But also fantastic.

Scroll down if you want an actual evaluation of the content, but I'm just here typing for absolutely no reason, so yeah...

Have a wonderful evening :-)

~~edit 2/9/21~~

Yes, yes. I know. I've re-edited this specific review a lot recently partially because of my mixed feelings about it.

I was going to wait until I had read the whole thing again, but I have decided to just fix my review now because I'm bored in French class.

Below, my most recent edit, you can see that I was leaning more towards fewer stars on this book because I didn't really like August's character--she was a little too out there for me.

BUT! I must correct my star rating for this reason. Yes, this book wasn't perfect, but its perfection level absolutely did not change my love for this book and the story it has to tell. I feel so attracted to this book on my shelf, I will literally just pick it up and read a bunch of my favorite scenes from this book (e.g., when Beck's uncle finally meets Joey and Beck).

ALSO, After reviewing the sad, unfortunate lifetime of our dear Ludwig van Beethoven, I realized that this is a retelling of Beethoven's life!!! Don't worry I found other sources that say it is so also.

Anyways, this book will always be among my favorites, and while I don't think it's written quite as well as [b:The Boy Who Steals Houses|40170373|The Boy Who Steals Houses|C.G. Drews|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548416923l/40170373._SY75_.jpg|62315086], I just love it to death.

Have a spectacular afternoon :-)

Hi friends, I have been thinking about my rating and review of this book and after re-reading enough passages to include around half the book, I have decided to change my review for this.

I feel like when I reviewed it the first time I was a little overwhelmed and I just loved, loved CG Drews' other book. Allow me to say--this book was still fantastic and I love CG Drew's writing style, but it was also very far from perfect.

August was certainly not a favorite character of mine, and I thought. I understand that she was supposed to be giving off hippie vibes, but it was definitely too much.

This whole second review thing seems to be pretty negative, but I promise, I still LOVE this book and it deserves much praise. I just had these thoughts after thinking about the book for a while after I read it. But please! Read it!!
Okay, now you can scroll down for my original review if you like.

--end of edit--

Ugh. You guys. C.G. Drews' books. I just. Agh.

"You are worth more than a thousand perfect notes."

I literally cannot even articulate my thoughts on this book. I finished it mere seconds ago and I--lisDUGbPISDFUBslFBh.

This book broke me in half--no, into shards. My heart throbbed and bled for this book. I don't really have words. Oh wait I do: eVeRyOnE oN tHe PlAnEt ShOuLd ReAd ThIs BoOk.

While an inch lower than [b:The Boy Who Steals Houses|40170373|The Boy Who Steals Houses|C.G. Drews|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548416923l/40170373._SY75_.jpg|62315086], this was just marvelous. I read this book in two sittings, and just--agh.

I should finish this review before I get too emotional. Have a wonderful morning