A review by rubeusbeaky
The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente


"I belong in the refrigerator. Because the truth is, I'm just food for a superhero. He'll eat up my death and get the energy he needs to become a legend."

A series of monologues from the deceased sidekicks/girlfriends/female superheroes of a comic-book-inspired world, as told in a quasi-support group in the afterlife.


This book was inspired by a quote from a female comic book writer (Gail Simone), who realized the staggering, gratuitous amount of times that female comic characters are brutalized (to death, or to something-like-death, such as losing their mind or powers), just to set up the motivation of their male counterparts going forward. I read through her list of examples, and it was heart-breaking. So many big names, characters who /I/ have come to love for being synonymous with female empowerment, all laid low: Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Wanda, Harley Quinn, Captain Marvel, Starfire, Supergirl... Imagine taking your favorite Disney princess, and impaling her on a spike within the first five minutes of the movie, just so that her prince can go face the villain and avenge her, and you'll feel a smidgeon of the grief I felt in learning about the "Refrigerated" superwomen.

This book is told by them, /for/ them. It is feminist, and yes heart-breaking, but also equal parts inspiring, funny, and heart-/warming/. The women in this book are all clear homages to famous characters, and they are intelligent, powerful, loving, confidant... all are -powers or no - valuable, and characters worth knowing. I feel the necessity of these stories, the need to have a celebratory, commiserating, female space in Nerd Culture. And, big picture, for women to uplift one another after enduring trauma.

Pour one out for your favorite Super. Then read this d--- book!