A review by cozyreaderdevan77
The Stars are Dying by Chloe C. Peñaranda


I cannot get over how amazing this read was. This is the first book I’ve read by Chloe C. Penaranda, and I was thoroughly impressed. I was transported to this magical world through brilliant writing and imagery. I think any fans of the Blood and Ash series would eat this up! It is a bit slow in the beginning but I promise you it is 100% worth the wait!
I loved reading about all of these characters, even the ones you’re meant to hate. So much goes into each and everyone of them that I can’t help but be drawn in. Speaking of being drawn in…..Nyte is my new official book boyfriend. So much angst, adoration, and the perfect amount of morally gray. I don’t even need to say more, read about him and fall in love along with me. Our main character, Astraea is such an interesting character to read in the point of view of. She has a million emotions going on in her head at one time and it’s exhausting to keep up with, but in the best way possible. She goes through so much in this first book, bur you can tell she’s only gonna get stronger throughout the series. I cannot wait to see where things go in the next book.
This is a book I would recommend to any Romantasy lover. I cannot express enough how exhilarating this book was to read! I felt hundreds of feelings throughout this and I’m still reeling! Excuse me while I read all of the other beautiful creations by this amazing author!