A review by bookishpatricia
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman



The first few pages were good. It was apparent how Eleanor had a straightforward personality that could come off as strange or even satirical at times. But as the story went on, I found it harder to understand what Eleanor is on about and what the book is all about. Though I stopped myself from skimming advanced pages so I don’t spoil myself. I held on to the “fact” that this may be a good book according to Reese Witherspoon, and it’s not just a loose recommendation. There seems to be a mysterious angle about Eleanor, given her scar and how she got it.

So far, I’m liking Raymond’s character. Seems like he has a promising role in the book. Another mysterious angle, which I think encompasses the entirety of the book and explains Eleanor’s odd identity, is her past and her “mummy”.


When I find it hard to tune into the story, I like to imagine what Eleanor would look like. So far the best character I’ve come up with is Amy Fowler from The Big Bang Theory show. I just noticed on the back of the book that it’s soon to be a major motion picture — I’ll try to finish the book by then. I really hope it will be a good one.


Eleanor is so relatable, at least to me, who can be awfully blunt and/or awkward socially. As I progressed into the book, I grew more compassion for Eleanor.

This book by itself is so quotable. I don’t know if Gail Honeyman was deliberate in doing so, but it’s almost as if the first half was witty and funny, and the second half is bursting with lessons and wisdom. Eleanor might not appreciate it (or she might, given her emotional and social glowup), but I just want to give her a hug each time she spewed out a nugget of wisdom. I’m sure she’s impressing no one - she’s being simply herself - but that exactly is the magic of Eleanor - being Eleanor!

Raymond has been likeable from the very start and I’m glad he didn’t go through any drastic character development or 180 deg turn. He remained constant, which is exactly what Eleanor needed at the moment.

The ending was perfect. As I thought, the 10% of the latter part of the book completed the first 90%. The build up to the main conflict was apt. In the end, it all came together and made sense.

All that said, a definite 5/5z Very much looking forward to the film. I hope they do justice with it. Reese Witherspoon wasn’t lying that the book is, indeed, “beautifully written and incredibly funny.” As always, please read the Reader’s Guide at the back.