A review by itsme_lori
Reborn by Jennifer Rush


3.5 Stars

I have really enjoyed this series and was so excited when I saw this third book would be from Nick's POV. Like the rest of the books in the series, this one was a very quick read and all the characters are full of secrets. But unfortunately, I just didn't like it as much as I did the others. I wasn't a huge fan of Elizabeth, who's POV we also get, and there wasn't as much action as there seemed to be in the others. Not much happened. We do find out about the mission Nick is having flashbacks of, but I really just wanted more of Nick and to learn more about the Branch. But that didn't really happen. I don't know why but I just felt like we learned the least and the story advanced the least in this book.

I'm also not going to keep it a secret that I had hoped before this book started that Anna and Nick would get together. But that's not going to happen. :-/

Regardless, my overall love for this series is still going strong and I hope more people will read it. It's great YA sci-fi. And I really hope we'll get more from Jennifer Rush.