A review by j_j_catcrazydragon
Pack of Lies by Annie Bellet


This was better than the second, but not as good as the first.

We spent the first half recounting what happened in the first two.
Then we spent the second, being reminded of who was what, and why.
Lacked the humour of the first, and the comedy sarcasm that made it so enjoyable.

Also lacked the strength of the first; the MF always second guessing, angst-ing, and being a bit of a drama queen, rather than the tough, snarky, awkward-leader nerd, that we so wanted to hang with.
Also of course, the whole invincible thing. I don't feel it needs to change, just, maybe take longer to heal, have more pain involved? Something to make it more of an issue.
Otherwise, why are we sending those who can die out to fight, and not just throwing her, each and every time?

I'm not sure if I will continue? I'm not willing to spend real money on the chance it will find it's way again.. But am curious about the story, and a bit like one of those naive, pathetic hopefuls, who keep going back for more, even though they know better.

Think Laurel K. Hamilton, it took me forever to own up to the truth of that porn-o-fest.

I really want to like this! There's so much to love here, it just keeps getting lost amongst the drama and waffle.
Maybe, it needs serious editing, and than filling back out with the depth and detail it hinted at in the first, and end of the third?