A review by yourkindredreader
Trese Vol 3: Mass Murders by Budjette Tan


Trese vol.3 : Mass Murders by Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo is a great follow-up to the previous two volumes. It gives us a more background of Alexandra’s family’s past, as well as the Kambal’s.

The illustration of this comic fits the mood of the story well. I love the detailed work on the Filipino mythical creatures, the gods, and even the scenery. The story is an exceptional twist to folklores Filipinos who have grown to hear throughout childhood. This comic showcases rich history and faith in the background as Alexandra navigates her life and duty. For this particular volume, I enjoyed reading more about what happened to Alexandra’s life when she was younger and her relationship with her family and the twins.

I have read the first two volumes and this is my favorite so far.

Thank you to NetGalley, Diamond Book Distributors, Ablaze for the ARC.