A review by missy_littell
H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. by Brad Lomenick


"When you rise in the morning, nearly half of your day will be determined by the patterns you've either intentionally created or passively allowed."

Chapter 0:
"You can teach what you know, but you'll reproduce what you are." (Nikki Gumble)

"Awareness increases as speed decreases. Most of us use the speed of life to medicate ourselves and ignore the major issues we're facing internally."

Chapter 1:
"I wanted to prove I was good enough and smart enough and capable enough to compete with others."

"Vulnerability is the birthplace of courage, innovation, creativity and change."

Chapter 3:
"What do you stand for? Which hills will you die on? What is not for sale or up for discussion?"

Chapter 4:
"A healthy spiritual life doesn't happen via osmosis. It requires intentionality and regularity."

"Where and when do you feel free to be spiritually open and receptive?"

Chapter 13:
"I don't open my email until 9am. Email gives the steering wheel of my car to someone else. When I open it, I am no longer in charge. So I wait until after I'm finished with me to help them."

Chapter 17:
"Learning to unwind is a disciple that must be practiced. You must find time to stop moving, stop working and stop problem solving."

Chapter 18:
"Leaders quite often confuse being generous with giving people money: raises, bonuses, stock options. But the generous leaders gives people what they truly want: knowledge, power, information, credit, praise, responsibility and authority."