A review by moreadsbooks
Stonemouth by Iain Banks


This book's plot revolves heavily around the unbelievable selfishness of man child Stewart Gilmour; why is he back in town making everyone angry after being forced to flee years earlier? Because, basically, he wants to be, although also because a dead guy wanted him at his funeral. Why did he cheat on his fiancée, thus enraging her mafia-type family & leading to his forced exile? Because some other woman had a red dress on. When a pissed off & armed brother of former fiancée is on his way to Stewart's location to quite possibly murder him, why doesn't Stewart leave & basically save everyone who's at the beach with him? Because he doesn't want to, although also because Ellie is swimming. He should absolutely be held responsible for the death of Phelpie.

This is the second book I've read in almost as many weeks where the main character is unable to stop himself from having sex when he absolutely should not do so simply because a woman before him had boobs/was sexy/started unbuttoning her shirt. Are guys really like this? If you're getting married in a week & some hot chic starts coming on to you, would all guys cheat on their fiancées in this situation? I guess we're all supposed to be happy that he gets the girl back in the end, but I'm pretty unimpressed with that one. But let it not be said that I disliked this book, man children aside. This was a start it in the morning & finish it by evening compelling read, it has some pretty spectacular Scottish accents, and some well-written boy's own-coming of age stuff (poor Wee Malky). And one of the characters gets to be bisexual as a teen & nobody cares, so good on that. Although I have to wonder if Banks has just started using Facebook or just got an iPhone or something, because he makes a lot of awful, jarring references to both of these things, which pulled me out of the story every time they came up.