A review by everythingbutthebagel69
Midnight Dream by Jess Belmont


First and foremost I am appreciative for the ARC opportunity! This is a voluntary and honest review. Thank you to the Author and BookSirens’

I am going to mirror everyone else here and HOLY MOLY that cover is just so dreamy and romantic, I love it.
I enjoyed that our characters were older, I think it really helps add to their relationship that we aren’t dealing with 19 year olds. I also appreciate that the strength of our characters weren’t necessarily their powers but their knowledge, heart & softness (not that there isn’t power but it’s not the standard “most powerful person EVER” in a lot of fantasy novels). Sort of similar vibes to Six Scorched Roses.
The magic system was so interesting, something I don’t think I’ve seen before!
While I do understand this is more of a novella and intended to be short, some parts felt rushed or underdeveloped. If I didn’t enjoy the story or characters this wouldn’t bother me, but I wanted more. It made me feel like the why or motivation was lost in some moments.
This is a great start and set up, I’ll definitely be reading the next novel.

YES IF: second chance romance, vampires, super sweet pure romance, academia, bonds.
NO IF: you’re looking for a morally grey vibe