A review by pages_and_procrastination
Denied by Cathy Clamp


I was given a digital copy, free, in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is the third and concluding book in the Luna Lake trilogy, a spin-off of the Tales of the Sazi series. This installment focuses on Anica Petrovic, a Serbian bear who survived one of the camps and turned her entire family. Tristin who is a newcomer to Luna Lake and claims to only be passing through is actually there to locate a villain long thought dead. When people from the small town turn up dead, Tristin must reveal himself. When Anica is injured and near death, Tristin steps in and begins the mating bond. Uncovering who is behind the deaths puts the town at risk for it will also uncover a plot long in the making.
First, I have to admit that I have had this for an awfully long time, and I didn’t know what the actual summary said when I began reading (and it’s so far wrong I wouldn’t bother reading it). My brief summary is more accurate. I also didn’t realize that this was supposed to be the conclusion- what the hell?! This actually read as if it was a book bringing us one step closer to the final showdown—not that it was the final showdown. So, I call foul! I need at least one more book.
While there are things that are affecting the whole town – an out of control forest fire- you don’t have all of the town players involved like you did with the other installments. This story is seen exclusively from Anica and Tristin’s perspectives. Tristin has been an enforcer for the council and he has been on his own for centuries, so needless to say he panics when he realizes that he is mated to Anica. He is so busy trying to maintain control that he finds it hard that such a weakling would be able to help him. Anica finds it hard to trust Bobby, the wolven agent sent to help Tristin, just because he is a snake. Despite how wrong it may be, Anica heavy and blind distrust of snakes. Since she is a survivor of one of the snake camps, it’s understandable. But she soon learns that not all snakes are evil and are closer than she wants to admit.
You would think that by the third time, the accidental mating would grow tired. But I found it hilarious -again. In fact, I think that this was my favorite one of the three. I liked that Anica found her strength – not in the mating bond – but in learning to stand up for herself with everyone. While everyone else is like “go ahead and finish the mating bond” as if it’s inevitable Anica repsonds with a response that basically says “Not until I’ve made up my own mind”.
Thought the town is destroyed by Lagash and the fires, and his plots and secrets haven been discovered, and he is dead, there is still so many questions. There is still room to explore and I hope that Clamp changes her mind and gives us another book.