A review by merrinish
Elite by Mercedes Lackey


Wow, this book was awful. I'm so mad I listened to it so I had to absorb it slowly. So like, Joy is a really great hunter and she's so great and everyone knows she's great and she literally never fails at anything and she's such a good and decent person that the only person who hates her is literally a cartoon version of a villain who conveniently lost a brother we'd never heard of before five minutes before his death but he blames Joy for his death so therefore he becomes, like, Darth Vader levels of evil but like prequel Darth and not the one that ends up reconciling with his son.

Joy is SUCH a good person that she somehow collects the hounds of two other people so now she's even SPECIALER than special because she's good at literally everything and also has the biggest pack known to man and even though she's what, 16? She calls 20 year olds old, literal actual adults defer to her all the time because SPOILERS SHE'S THE MOCKINGJAY AND SHE'S GONNA LIBERATE PANEM.

Did I miss anything? Oh there's this guy that she hunts with that she really likes but doesn't like LIKE like they're just friends because he has this super conservative religious fiancé back home and she's not like JEALOUS of the fiancé but man does she like having Mark all to herself when they hunt so that's cool but then the fiancé comes because of a plan that JOY HERSELF CONCOCTED AND IMPLEMENTED and then Jessie gets there and Joy circles off and pees on Mark to mark her territory and Jessie gets her hackles up but Joy doesn't understand why because these super religious idiots just don't understand that guys and girls can just be friends what a dummy Jessie is. So Joy, because she's such a DECENT and NICE person solves all of Jessie's problems for her by concocting another plan to send both Mark and Jessie back to where they're from but then they don't go and it's all good because Jessie and Joy are best friends wait no they're not Jessie's still jealous of her friendship with Mark god these religious girls sure are dumb. Did she mention religion was dumb? (Spoilers: she did.)

Anyway this book is terrible I don't understand why people rate it highly don't read it and especially don't listen to it peace out.