A review by echoesoutloud
The Queen's Starfire Throne by Hailey Turner


"War had teeth, and it would always bite."

The Queen's Starfire Throne was everything I wanted for the finale of the Infernal War saga. This trilogy has been absolutely amazing and with each new book, I fell more in love with this steampunk world of revenants, aeronauts, alchemists, wardens and all sorts of royals. Keeping in theme with the first two books, this one is full of magic, political alliances and betrayals, meddling gods and a long-awaited family reunion that is sure to end in bloodshed. 

"She was Rourke, and she would put out that ever- burning starfire to take the throne."

It's no easy feat juggling so many different characters and POV's. But Hailey Turner uses each POV to effortlessly lead the way to this epic conclusion in the fight for the starfire throne. It's intense and emotional, with moments you never see coming. And though every chapter kept me hooked, I still had my favorites and Vanya and Soren didn't disappoint me at all. 

"Whatever crown he may have once worn in some other life, whatever name he may have once had, he didn’t want it. All he truly wanted was the love of a man who wanted nothing to do with him anymore."

Every time it felt like they'd get to be together and happy, they were pulled apart in different directions. But it was all worth it for me because their ending was so wonderful and made me cry with how happy I was for them. They've been through so much and deserve all the joy that's coming for them.

"We were a war story. It was never going to end with anything but this grief."

For all that joy, there was an equal amount of heartbreak. Though I knew not everyone could be expected to make it to the end, I was still surprised by the journey of some of the characters. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but be prepared to have your heart broken when you least expect it. 

"I once said I could never go home again,” Soren rasped. “But that’s not true. You’re my homeland."

There's something so special and unique about the world that Hailey's created that everytime I step into it, it takes me no time at all to remember what happened before. I'm so sad that this trilogy is over, but I truly love the way it ended. If you haven't visited the high-stakes world of Maricol yet, I'd definitely recommend you pick up this series. This epic steampunk fantasy is action-packed, romantic and full of political intrigue and is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish!