A review by junotranscends
The Infects by Sean Beaudoin


First of all, I want to say, this e-galley did NOT like me. There were 10-ish pages that *refused* to load on my Nook toward the beginning, so I have no idea how Nick ended up from the chicken factory to being on the bus. I also don't know if the 'end' was the end I read, because the ending of the book kept screwing up, too. I felt like I was missing a chapter or two, but I have no clue. I tried opening the e-galley on my computer and had the same issues.

So, that being said...

Cover: 3/5 Interesting design, easy on the eyes, matches the story well. I can't say it's a cover I would've stopped in the store for, but it goes along with the book.

Characters: 3/5 There were some really fun and interesting characters. I loved Yeltsin and Swann the most, I think. And Nero/Nick and his sister. Sadly, there were so many half-developed characters that were on the brink of being explored and then...it kind of cuts off and drops a lot of character-building things.

Plot: 3/5 I loved the concept. LOVED. It was the execution that flunked for me...in places. This was a fairly long book, all things considered. The Infects don't even show up until around page 100, which means we have 100 pages of Nick working, being at home, getting arrested, etc. 100 pages to get to zombies...in a zombie novel. Had the beginning been cut down to 30-50 pages, it would've made the pacing so much better.

There were parts that were awesome...parts not-so-awesome and a little hard to follow. The idea that a company has gone through this contamination problem not once, but MANY times, is fascinating, and that it spreads so quickly via a fast food chain everyone loves. (Imagine if the beef at McDonald's got contaminated. How fast would that spread in a single day??)

Writing: 3/5 THE INFECTS has very entertaining writing. I loved the voice of it, the poeticness of the narration...but sometimes it could be a bit hard to follow. Especially in the mountains, and again in the house trying to fend off the Infects, I felt sort of lost as to who was where and what kind of room they were in. The writing wasn't terribly clear. But, again, great voice and some of the phrasing, Nick-to-Nero and back again, was lovely.

Overall: 3/5 This was a fun book. A heavier read than, say, THE OTHER LIFE, or other zombie novels I've read, but still fun and worth the time to read. I do wish the e-galley hadn't screwed up so much, and I wish some parts had a little more clarity and explanation. But if you want a good male POV book with gore, zombies, and plenty of typical-teenaged-boy humor, you'll enjoy this one.